Thursday, June 12, 2008

"Princess Medicine"

Last night we went on a family stroll to the tot lot.  The weather was great...a little cooler and a nice breeze.  On our way home we started playing a game of chase.  Landon and Sadie were in the front and Greg was pretending to "get them."  They were going at a pretty fast pace down the sidewalk.  I was pushing Duke behind Greg and also jogging along trying to "get them."  It was all fun and games til Sadie took a massive crash right on her face.  She was almost in front of the house close to being home and she wipes out!  Luckily it's just some bad scratches and not much blood or any lost teeth.  It's mostly her nose and she has a mark on her forehead too.  After a bath we got her to put some "princess medicine" on it.  (a.k.a. triple antibiotic)  When I took her to bed she told me she fell because she opened her hands.  She has this thing lately with running with her hands in a fist.  It's so funny cause she really gets her arms going back and forth and shaking that booty.  Hopefully the face heals soon and heals nicely.  These pics were taken during breakfast this morning.

A close up.

This is supposed to be her "sad" look.  The one above looks a little more sad to me!

1 comment:

Chelle said...

So sad! I hate it when they get hurt... especially when they scratch up their face! I hope she's feeling better today in spite of her "injury!"