Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Duke the Barber

Yesterday I found Duke sitting on Greg's bathroom counter cutting his hair with scissors!!  He got it good...nice and close to the scalp.
Look at that ornery smile!!!
After many attempts of hoping not to COMPLETELY buzz it...i had to resort to the "i just got out of basic training" haircut.
Still a cutie!!
He sure wasn't smiling when I was buzzing it and had to get so close to his head.  Not a fun experience, but I think he learned his lesson!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

More Birthday Pics

The birthday gang.
We drove to City Walk after the party to meet up with friend Ashley and eat dinner at NBA City restaurant.  While waiting these two just laid on the ground to chill.  Too funny!!
Very tired birthday boy!!
The restaurant.
Shootin' some hoops!!

Duke Turns 3 Years Old!!

A picture of the birthday boy before church.
His basketball cake that he picked.
A pic with Mommy before church.
Pic with Daddy at the park while waiting on friends.
Blowing out his candles!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

School Preview Pics

The school is doing Christmas background.  This is my favorite!!
I hope the school ones turn out this good :)

Love Landon's smile!!
Landon kept scooting closer and closer...too sweet!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Costume Time!!

In costume and ready to go trick or treating with the preschool class.
Nice moves Batman!!  Duke wouldn't strike a pose.
Sadie with girls from her class.  "Princess" Bella is her "best" friend.
With her friend Ellie at church fall festival.
Landon had to get in on a picture with Ellie too.

Halloween Fun!!

Halloween Night

Disney Vacation 4

Our last day in Downtown Disney eating lunch at T-REX.

Disney Vacation 3

Disney Vacation 2

Our Disney Vacation 1

We finally took our first trip to Disney World!  Such a wonderful experience for both the kids and Greg and I.  Here are just a FEW pictures of our fun times together as a family.