Saturday, March 28, 2009

1st Soccer Game

Heading to the game.
Uniforms a little big!
Daddy told Landon he has same # as Uncle Daniel.
Sadie warming up.  Landon wouldn't join her.
Team huddle. (Landon sporting the "David Beckham" look.)
Landon and Sadie had their first game bright and early this morning.  Yes, we made it on time!  It was not an easy task getting shoes, socks, and shin guards on two kids, plus keeping track of Duke.  He was being rather grumpy and not cooperating.  Looking forward to Daddy and Papaw Dewey being there next week to help!  Sadie had a blast and did a great job even though I don't think she ever touched the ball.  At least she stayed on the field.  She would start to wander off from time to time, but made her way back.  Landon on the other hand didn't enjoy it so much.  He ran off the field a few times crying and scared.  I think he was overwhelmed and didn't like the physical contact, plus it was extremely windy.  During warm ups the coach told him to dribble up and kick in the net.  Landon said, "But the ball is wet."  I did my best to pump him up and keep him excited, but it wore off quickly.  Hopefully next week will be better for him.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Library Time

We visited a library this morning for story time.  It was a good time.  Stories, songs, and a craft.  Then we went to the park for lunch and play time.  Here they are showing off their crowns.  I had to bribe Sadie to smile with an M & M.

NKOTB Concert

"JABB-AWOC-KEEZ" opened for them.  They won America's Best Dance Crew and were awesome!!
Not happy about waiting so long for the main attraction.
Just minutes into the concert and ears already was SO loud!!
Oh yeh..we were singing!
Saying their good-byes.

I had a fun night out with my good friend Shelbie.  She asked me a couple months ago to go to a New Kids on the Block concert with her.  I was like "what??"  But okay...a girls night out!  I'm not a huge fan, but it was so much fun!!  We had a blast together!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Learning to Write

Yesterday afternoon I decided to start teaching Landon & Sadie how to write their names.  I was much impressed when Landon took it upon himself to write not just his name, but Sadie and Duke's as well.  I told him how to spell the names, but not how to write the letters.  I only helped him write the letter "K."  I was blown away.  I thought it was pretty darn good for a 3 1/2 year old that has not experienced any preschool.  Anyway, just wanted to share a proud parent moment.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Getting Ready for Soccer!!

Landon and Sadie are officially on a soccer team which means I'm officially a "soccer mom!"  Practice starts next week.  We are super excited!  Sadie will not stop talking about it.  I wish Duke was old enough to play too, but he will have to hold off til the fall.  I took them out today to get a little "practice."  It is a really hot day, so we decided to go shirtless and, of course, load up on the sunscreen.  Don't they look excited!!!

More soccer...

I think she may have some skills.

And still more soccer...

"No you're not going to get this ball!!"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Little Golfer

A couple days ago Greg decided to take Landon to a putting green to mess around.  Landon was so excited to have special alone time with Daddy.  They had plans to be gone an hour or so, but 30 minutes later I hear them pull in.  Greg said that was about all Landon could take.  He was ready to leave.  Last night they were talking about their golfing experience and Landon said, "Next time Sadie can go and I'll stay home with Mommy and Duke."  It's not that he didn't like it, he's just such a sweet boy that he wants his sister to have some time with Daddy too.  

What Kid Doesn't Like Mashed Potatoes???

THIS ONE!!!  I finally decided to force feed Duke some mashed potatoes and this was the result.  I'm so tired of fixing separate meals for my kids cause they won't eat what Greg and I eat.  (sometimes it's because Greg isn't home at dinner time)  This doesn't happen every night, but they need to learn to eat more of a variety of foods.  I realize they are still pretty young and there are things that they either can't eat yet or won't like, but geez...mashed potatoes??? Needless to say...he was NOT happy about the potatoes in his mouth!  (And yes, that is a tear coming out of his eye in the middle picture.)

Monday, March 2, 2009

New Playhouse

Are these kids spoiled or what??  Grandma & Papaw Blackburn got the kids their Christmas present while playhouse for the backyard.  They love it, of course, and would rather climb ON it than play IN it!!  Landon would not let me take his picture.