Monday, July 21, 2008

Tim, Jess, and Josiah

Tim & Jess came on Saturday to spend the weekend with us.  They brought Josiah Jenkins to hang out too.  Josiah is Jess's little cousin, but he calls them Aunt Jess and Uncle Tim.  He's too cute and had the best time with the kids.  I'm so glad he was here.  Tim & Jess helped out a lot with the party...entertaining the kids, running errands, name it, they did it!  I'm so thankful to them!  Here's some pics of their fun.

Sadie and Jo cruisin' down to the pool.
Tim & Sadie...with her new goggles...too funny!!
After the party picture.  We were all exhausted, but the kids still had lots of energy!
Good friends!!

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Cute! Sadie's teeth still crack me up! What a great smile!