Thursday, August 7, 2008

Our New Playmates

These are our new friends.  They live in our subdivision and we play with them about every other day.  It's been so great and a huge stress reliever for me.  Their mom, Amy, is a librarian and will be starting back to school next week...which makes me sad, but we will still have evenings and weekends to hang out.  Her husband is a firefighter so he has that crazy 24 hour schedule.  Greg has a busy schedule too, so it works out great to get together with our kids for some fun times.  Her kids are almost 6, 3, and 1 1/2.  Works out perfectly.  We go to the pool a lot and this morning we went to a park.  Some evenings we just crash at one of our houses and let the kids go wild.  Looking forward to many more play dates together.

Kyle & Sadie  (for some reason they really click)
My sweet Duke.
Kensey & Duke (she's exactly one month younger)
My sweet Landon! (i had a hard time getting him in pics with the others cause he's such a loner.)
Duke & Kaden (poor kid just had his tonsils taken out last week & has been a trooper!)

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Such great pictures. I'm so glad you're meeting other moms to hang with.