Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sweet Boy's Birthday!!

Duke, Desi, & Sadie
No words for this!!
Blowing out the candles.
He was not cooperating very well.
Dukester & Daddy

Yesterday we celebrated Duke's 2nd birthday.  We had a great time with brother Tim and a few other close friends.  He had a SHREK cake, which he thoroughly enjoy!  His favorite gift had to be the "BIG TRUCK" from J, Shelbie & Desi Shave.  We had a hard time getting him to open anything else after that one!  Here's some pics from our fun night.  Thanks to everyone for the gifts and sharing in our celebration!


Betsy said...

Happy Birthday Duke!!! Can't believe he is two already. Seems like just yesterday I was staying with you in the hospital while you were pregnant and sick. The party looked like fun. Heard you guys are staying in FL for Thanksgiving- we will miss you, but totally understand. Have a great week!

Chelle said...

Looks like a fun night! I'm so glad you finally did a new blog. I've been longing for an update! HA! Love you guys. Wish "The Dukester" a happy birthday from us.