Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Learning Mommy's Phone Number

The kids had their first karate class a week and a half ago.  At the end they ask each kid theirfirst and last name, names of parents, phone numbers, and address.  I'm thinking "yeh kids are too young to remember all this."  On the way home which is less than 10 minutes I started teaching them my cell number.  Later that night I asked Landon what it was, not at all expecting him to remember, but he rattled it off perfectly!  I was so impressed!  It goes to prove we just don't know what our kids can do until we challenge them.  Sadie's video has not worked yet.  She didn't remember the number at took her a day or so, but she gets it every time now.  Then a few days later Sadie was saying the first 3 numbers and out of nowhere Duke says the last 4!!  I about died!!  So...i did get him on video too.  So cute!!  I'll keep trying with Sadie's.  We are still working on the address  (another 5 numbers to remember!) but at least know what town we live in.

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