Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Sweet Boy

Silly faces!

Landon is the most sweetest, sensitive, lovable boy.  If you are holding him or he's sitting on your lap, he likes to rub your arm or back or at least be touching you.  He also requests "massages" for pretty much every nap and night time.  (thanks to aunt kristy!)  Even in the middle of the night as I'm carrying him back to bed he will say, "mommy, massage me."  He's starting to say cute, encouraging words and phrases now to his siblings.  Just this morning as Sadie did her flip on the rings Landon clapped his hands and said, "Good job Sadie!"  Or when talking to Duke he'll say, "You can do it Duke."  He also has started to say he "loves" everything.  It may be a person or it may be his choice of cereal.  His most recent "love" comment was just too funny!  As I'm changing his diaper he proceeded to play with himself as most boys his age do.  I told him to stop and he said, "mommy, I love my pee-pee."  It was one of those moments where I really had to keep myself from laughing.  As his mother I'm not so sure if I prefer my son to have such a bond with his "pee-pee."  I just love this boy...he makes me laugh everyday!  

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Wow! He sounds like a typical boy to me. How funny!