Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Late Mother's Day

so i've been drawn into the blogging!  i really never thought i would, but it's been fun keeping up with every one else's and figured, "why not?!"  it might be a good way for friends and family to be updated with what's going on in our daily lives.  back to mother's day...we had a really rough night, but a good day.  i was up on and off with Landon most of the night.  we skipped out on church not wanting to expose all the other little kids to our nasty snotty noses and croupy coughs.  i was a bit disappointed.  i really wanted to go.  that morning the kids brought me their homemade cards, new running shoes, and running outfit (are they trying to tell me something?) i was excited though.  i'm in the running mode again.  i'd love to do it like the good ole' days...nice long runs by myself, time to think, time to be alone, but...times have changed and i'm sure i will be pushing that triple stroller ahead of me.  i guess it will make for a better workout.  later that afternoon we had company...my brother tim, his wife jess, my sister kristy and husband daniel.  the kids were SO excited!!  they love their aunts and uncles!!  they had a blast playing human fooz ball with the kids, jumping on the trampoline, and eating some good food.  i was really enjoying myself, not knowing what the night was bringing ahead...another sleepless night.  this time it was duke.  i have to admit, it was horrid.  he would sleep about 15 minutes, then wake up crying, roll around for awhile, then back to sleep.  this went on ALL night.  monday morning it was off to the doctor again.  i took all three.  landon and duke both have ear infections, landon in both ears.  we were just there a week ago for sadie's ears.  so after about 3 and a half hours of being gone, we made it home, had lunch, and took nice long naps.  duke may have broke a record of a 4 hour and 10 minute nap!  much needed!  so anyway, things are looking better today and hope to be back to normal soon!


Betsy said...

yeah, so excited to read your blog! Brevin was asking today about going to see Landon and Sadie. Not sure what prompted it except that maybe Molly and Adie were here on Saturday. Hope you get better sleep tonight!

anyssa said...

you're so cool now! :) sorry you've had such rough nights! hopefully once the medicine kicks in they'll be sleeping like logs! can't wait til we're down there! love you!

Chelle said...

I'm so proud of you for joining the ranks with all of us "blogging moms!" Don't you feel so cool now? ha ha. I'm excited to stay updated on the fam! Love you guys tons!