We spent a family day at Cocoa Beach last Sunday. It was such a great day together along with friends David & Ashley Maples. Here's some pics of our fun times!!
Sadie enjoying the waves and body board.

Heading to the deep with Daddy.

Riding the waves!! He was so brave!!

Love this pic :)

A pic with my sweet boy.


Of course Duke wanted to stand on the board rather than use it to ride the waves.

Fun in the sand.

I had to get a picture of how much sand accumulated on this girl's body!! Covered from head to toe!! :)

Just chillin' in the sand.

Ashley half-buried them. They didn't want to go any further :) Sadie said she was a mermaid.

Once last pic with David & Ashley. These kiddos were great!! This was after hours at the beach, hiding from a storm, swimming in the pool, a nice dinner, and watching some fishermen on the pier. 10 hours later and they were still happy :)