Sunday, January 17, 2010

Brownie Time!!

There's nothing better than baking with Mommy!!


We took the kids on a neat little hayride to see Christmas lights.  It was a bit cold that night, but still fun...for some of them!!  We went with our friends Amy, Ty, Kyle, Kaden, and Kensey.

Sadie was too cold to smile.
Cute pic of the boys.  Duke not effected whatsoever from the cold weather!  He loved it!!
Daddy & Landon...please look excited!
Amy and I cuddling!

Christmas Day 2009

Just a FEW pics from Christmas morning!!

Landon with his Optimus Prime transformer.
Soooo excited about her purple care bear!
Art table from Grandma & Papaw Blackburn.
Orlando Magic tickets!!!
Duke is so happy to have his own jeep to drive around now!  On their way to our friends' house for Christmas lunch.

Christmas Eve 2009

On Christmas Eve we did our traditional opening of the "new Christmas pj's."  We also let them open gifts from Papaw Dewey and Grandma Karen.

Basketball Fundamentals

We put the kids in a 6 week Basketball Smart Start program.  Here's a few pics from their last night and receiving awards.