Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Sunday 2009

Here's a few pics from this past Sunday, Dec. 20, 2009.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Lights in Leesburg!!

Mommy above with Landon & Sadie.  Duke was not interested in a picture.  Daddy below trying to hold all 3 kids while I attempted to take a pic of the huge musical tree all lit up...i missed!

We took the kids to see the Christmas lights in Leesburg this past week.  They LOVED it!!  They ran around like crazy from one thing to the next in pure precious how excited they get!!  So fun as parents to do special things like this with your children.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Greg's Work Party

Waiting for the party to start.
Our last night with friends Tommy & Cassie. He just got partnership and moving to Philadelphia.  She is also due to have their 2nd child, a baby girl, in February.
With the partners' wives, Teresa & Tracey.
A pic with a couple of Greg's reps, Kyle and Kayla.
One last picture before our night coming to an end.

Greg and I had a wonderful date night for his Christmas work party.  We actually got to take advantage of a free night in a nice hotel too since his mom was visiting.  This was our FIRST overnighter together with NO kids in 4 1/2 years!!  Yes, you read that right...we have never had one night alone since having children.  Greg has went on numerous trips and I had 2 nights away to my cousin's wedding just over a year ago, but there has never been a time when we both were away at the same time.  It was great!  Here's a few pics capturing our night together.

Christmas Card Photo Shoot!!

We had a fun time taking pictures for Christmas card options.  It started out a bit rough.  Sadie was grumpy, Duke not cooperating, all three arguing over who gets to sit in the chair, but Mommy finally pulled through.  When I couldn't take it any longer and was determined to get some smiles and laughs out of them,  I resorted to using a word that is not allowed in our house...."poopy butt."  They cracked up laughing!  They could not believe Mommy was using these words.  It this is what I got!!  These are just a few, more will come in Snapfish.