It's fuzzy, but here's Sadie racing a kid twice her size.

There were 5 kids from our subdivision that participated. The boy in the middle is just 3 months older than Landon & Sadie! Mine would have worn their "Smart Start t-shirts too, but they come to their knees!!

Landon taking a turn at bat.

We put Landon and Sadie into a 6 week Tee-ball fundamentals class. They really enjoyed it. Last night was their last class. We were supposed to go to a field and attempt to play a game, but the rain kept that from happening. For 5 weeks they did station drills...learning to throw, catch, hit, and run bases. Last night they set up the gym and tried to play a real game. Total chaos!! So funny!! Here's a few pics I got before my camera died. I also got a few good ones on my phone, but don't know how to put them on here.