Saturday, August 30, 2008
One More Video
We'll try a different one and see if this will work. didn't. This is frustrating. Landon is saying hi to everyone and Sadie is wanting Daddy to help her instead of me...typical.
Video of Riding Bikes
Let's try this again...for the third time to see if the sound will work. Here they are in action! Notice Landon saying hi to aunt kim and almost running over Duke!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Riding Bikes!
Ready to roll...
A little blurry...he started moving.
Decked out in her princess gear!
We took the kids out last night to ride their "big" bikes for the first time. We've tried in the past and they didn't have it figured out yet. The tricycles have really helped them learn to pedal. They were crusin' along! They got the bikes for Christmas when they were 1 1/2 years old from great-grams taylor. Now they can finally ride! YEAH!! Duke is not quite there yet. He is still learning how to pedal on the tricycle. I took them for a long route around our subdivision this morning and wore them out! One more thing we can do. Here's some pics from last night. They look too cute with all their equipment on. Just need to get Duke some too!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Yesterday Landon & Sadie had their 3 year appointment. It brought back memories of the past few years. It wasn't an easy task getting these precious babies, so there are lots of memories. I had the picture perfect twin pregnancy and a pretty easy delivery as well (despite the long wait). Sadie was born first at 5 lbs. and 9 minutes later Landon was born breech at 5 lbs. 14 oz. This all took place about 2:30am! There was much excitement going on during those wee-hours of the morning with lots of family there to celebrate. Three years later Sadie weighs in at 26 lbs. and Landon at 27 lbs. They are not heavyweights by any means, but they are healthy and we are so blessed! Here's a few pictures of the journey.
This was taken June 24, 2005 with my sister Kim. I still had almost a month to go!
July 22, 2005 @ 2 days old and heading home from the hospital!
Aug. 21, 2006 just over a year old.
July 22, 2007 @ their 2 year birthday party in Columbus, OH.
August 10, 2008 @ 3 years old.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Art Work
We've been cooped up with the tropical storm passing through which really hasn't been bad for us at all. So we did some painting this morning. As I was noticing the difference between Landon's technique and Sadie's technique, I had to take some pictures. It definitely shows how different their personalities are!
Notice how neat Landon's plate is. You can still see the separate colors. He also has some sort of pattern to his picture.
Now notice how Sadie totally mixed up all the colors on her plate and her picture pretty much looks the same! But she is still so proud!
I had to get a picture of Duke too. He's more on the same lines as Sadie with his artistic ability, but hey...he's not quite 2 yet!
Landon & Sadie painted one more picture. Again, notice the difference. Landon used a variety of colors and each specific thing is painted a different color. Sadie mixed all her paints and has no pattern to her picture.
Maybe this has something to do with their waking patterns. 9 times out of 10 Landon wakes up happy, running out of his room (or ours) with a big "TA-DA!" 9 times out of 10 Sadie wakes up crying. Hmmm.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
More fun with Brevin
Monday, August 11, 2008
Professional Pics
Sweet Duke
Duke is getting very brave at the pool. Last night he started the "running jump." It was so hilarious, we had to get it on video...especially when they all started doing it together. They did this over and over. Here's two shorts clips.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
What a MESS!!
Yesterday I heard a lot of loud noise coming from our front room. All three kids had been in there playing very well together. This is what I walked in to.
All I Can Do Is Laugh...
One evening last week we were trying to get ready for bedtime. Sadie walks out of Landon's room with this baby doll jacket on. As frustrated as I was, all I could do was laugh! Yesterday she got it out again. The dolls are twins, so we got Landon's matching one. They thought it was pretty funny.
Attempting to show their muscles.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Learning Hopscotch 1
Landon and Sadie got this hopscotch game for their birthday. I tried to teach them how to play and this is as far as we got. It's so hilarious...particularly Landon!! I could hardly stop laughing. It's like he just can't get that one leg to move. Plus in one of the videos he's pretty distracted by the new tv. There's one more posted below too. (please ignore the taped up tv stand...that was just until we got our new one mounted on the wall)
Our New Playmates
These are our new friends. They live in our subdivision and we play with them about every other day. It's been so great and a huge stress reliever for me. Their mom, Amy, is a librarian and will be starting back to school next week...which makes me sad, but we will still have evenings and weekends to hang out. Her husband is a firefighter so he has that crazy 24 hour schedule. Greg has a busy schedule too, so it works out great to get together with our kids for some fun times. Her kids are almost 6, 3, and 1 1/2. Works out perfectly. We go to the pool a lot and this morning we went to a park. Some evenings we just crash at one of our houses and let the kids go wild. Looking forward to many more play dates together.
Kyle & Sadie (for some reason they really click)
My sweet Duke.
Kensey & Duke (she's exactly one month younger)
My sweet Landon! (i had a hard time getting him in pics with the others cause he's such a loner.)
Duke & Kaden (poor kid just had his tonsils taken out last week & has been a trooper!)
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