Monday, June 30, 2008

Fun Family Times!!

Just posting some pics of our fun times with our visiting family!  We went to Aquatica today and had a great time too.  A bit stressful keeping up with the kids in the crowd, but still had fun and wore them all out.  Didn't get any pictures though.
"big jump!"
They went down this slide SO many times!  Sadie w/cousins Molly & Adie.
Landon is my little loner boy.  He can entertain himself.
Duke & Adie assisted by the daddies.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Working on the Potty Training

We've been working a little harder on the potty training this week.  After breakfast we potty and put underwear/panties on.  I set the timer on the micro for 30 minutes.  When the timer goes off I put them each on the potty to try.  Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.  I put diapers back on after lunch for nap time.  It's been working out pretty good.  I got this idea from a preschool that we would like to start the kids in...particularly Landon and Sadie.  This is what they do in the 2 year old class.  Once they are at least 75% trained, then they can move up to the 3 year old class.  I think it's a great idea.  I would love for them to be trained by their 3rd birthday (july 20th).  I'm not sure if that will happen with all the visitors we will be having between now and then.  We will be out and about and doing fun things.  
Here are some funny pictures I took this morning while sporting their underwear!  Notice Duke has a pair on over his diaper.  He wants to be just like his big brother and sister!  They are hand-me-downs from cousin Luke...size 4, so pretty big on him!  They just look too cute!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Lovin' on Each Other

The first two pics were taken from my phone, so they might not be the best quality, but I had to capture this moment.   Sadie was SO lovin' on Landon.  She had her arm resting on him and he was rubbing her back at one point.  It was so stinkin' sweet!  Sadie is also into "stripping" now.  Duke strips down as soon as he sees Sadie doing it.  (thus the reason for them in their diapers)

The other pic is naked Landon playing in the water.  I gave both him and Duke a haircut outside.  I told him to rinse off in the pool.  He continue to play by himself for quite some time.  When I saw him with this ring around his waist, I had to grab the camera.  I thought it was too funny!  I took a few pics, but the others were "frontal" views and didn't think I should post those.  :)
There isn't much news today except that we are super excited about Dustin, Nys, Molly, Adie, & Grandma Blackburn coming to visit!  They will get in late tomorrow night.  Every night for probably the past two weeks Sadie will ask when are they getting here and are we going to Aquatica.  (SeaWorld's new waterpark which we ARE going to on Monday!)  I guess I shouldn't have mentioned it so soon!  

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our Toothless Sadie Bug!

I did a little photo shoot on Sadie today.  Now you can see her adorable toothless smile!  She isn't crazy about it and thinks it feels weird up there.  We just keep encouraging her and telling her how cute she is.  I know it will take time for her to adjust.  She had 3 teeth pulled yesterday morning.  You might be able to see that her gums are still discolored.  She was a tough little girl, even though it was a painful experience for both her and mommy.  She will have some time for healing before getting new teeth.  Her 2nd molars aren't completely in place yet.  They need to be in place before putting in the partial.  The wire will wrap around the molars.  This could take months...who knows.  We will take her back every so often to have them checked.  I had the tooth fairy talk with her yesterday.  (something i didn't think i would be doing for a few more years!)  She doesn't sleep with a pillow, so we couldn't put her teeth under it.  I'm going to let her pick out a special "teeth" present from walmart.  Thanks for thinking of our little Sadie bug as she goes thru this new experience.
Big cheese
New shirt from Grandma Linda
Too cute!
She's really lovin' this!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Breakfast time pics

I don't have too much to tell, but thought I would share some pics from breakfast this morning.  Duke was being full of himself!  He kept making this hilarious face and I had to get a picture of it.  Landon and Sadie, of course, wanted a picture too.  They are holding their toys from their happy meal yesterday.  We picked up McDonald's for lunch and brought it home.  Sadie was requesting it, which is strange cause they eat it maybe once every few months!  Sadie is doing well.  I will be taking her to the dentist bright and early tomorrow morning.  I'm assuming she will get her teeth pulled then.  I'll keep everyone updated.  Say a little prayer for her around 8:30am.  Thank you!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Poor Little Sadie Girl

It's been an eventful few days.  On Thursday evening around 6:15pm I began vacuuming the carpet. There was a lot of grass drug in from swimming.  Sadie was running around, playing, & pretending that I was getting her feet.  She was on the couch, jumped off, ran behind me, then circled in front just as I was pushing the vacuum forward.  She tripped at full speed and hit her mouth on the end table.  She immediately went down, started crying, and holding her mouth.  Blood came pouring! We ran to the bathroom, grabbed a wet washcloth, & began treatment (the best i knew how).  Keep in mind Greg is driving home from Atlanta, so I am home alone. I'm freaking out, yet trying to keep calm for Sadie...but when she opened her mouth & I saw a tooth dangling...I really about died!  I could not get in touch with Greg.  I called numerous times and no answer.  He had been in a training all day, so his phone was set to silent.  He had no idea I was calling.  I sent a text to a guy who I knew was traveling with him.  I called Greg at 6:23 and finally at 6:47 he called back.  In the meantime I called my brother Dustin to get some advice.  Next the nurse's line.  She told me Sadie needs to be seen by either a dentist or the ER that night. what dentist is open at this time of the night, and I do not want to drag 3 kids to the ER by myself and sit for 7 hours and probably get no-good advice.  

Greg calls.  He has the idea to call our babysitter's mom.  She's a nurse.  I called and she immediately came sweet!  Greg also was on the phone with his hometown dentist getting advice from him.  During all this Sadie is being a tough little girl.  She is laying on the couch very content with a baggie of ice on her mouth.  She is letting me and Trish (the nurse) look in her mouth.  At one point she even let me put my finger on her tooth and try to push it forward into place.  No luck with that though.  I didn't want to hurt her or knock it loose even more.  Her front teeth and the "I" tooth to the right of her front teeth are all loose.  The right front and "I" tooth are also pushed back, the "I" tooth being the worse.  Her mouth was full of blood, so she could not talk and she was constantly drooling and trying to spit either in a towel or in the sink.  The only way I could get her to drink was to stick her mouth under the faucet like Daddy does. worked!  I also managed to get some children's ibuprophen in her.

We made it through the night.  She slept with me.  Greg got home around midnight.  On Friday morning we called numerous pediatric dentists.  Most are closed on Fridays.  One sweet Dr. Julie called back and Greg took her in at 10:45.  Sadie did great!  She didn't fight it and she did everything the doctor asked her.  Here are our options.  Leave the teeth as they are.  They will stay in the same place and run a risk of infection which then could possibly affect her permanent teeth.  Or pull the teeth (probably two) and she can make a bridge of fake teeth for her.  She will have those until her new teeth come in.  Sadie says she wants new white teeth like Mommy.  We are choosing to have her teeth pulled.  We feel it's the better option than running the risk of infection and her having gray or black teeth for the next few years.  Who knows...maybe we won't get her new teeth and she can be our cute little toothless redneck!  I'm sure she will still be adorable as ever!  Looking back Greg wishes he would of had the dentist pull the teeth while he was there.  He was concerned that I would freak out if she came home with no teeth and with not thinking this through with me.  

Our next concern was her not eating.  As of last night's dinner she hadn't ate anything except two popsicles and m&m's since lunch the day before.  Well, her appetite definitely kicked in!  She ate 2 fish sticks then wanted 2 chicken fries.  She also ate some pears.  I cut them very "tiny" just as she would say.  She would put them in the back of her mouth and chew.  I'm so glad she has figured it out!  Before bed she ate a banana and a bowl of pears.  This morning more banana, 1 1/2 poptarts, and a bagel and asked for a second!  She's back to her old self!!  Also as of dinner last night she was hardly talking.  She would not swallow her spit, but was constantly running to the bathroom or asking for a towel.  No more of that either!  She is definitely back to being my little conversationalist!  I couldn't get her to stop talking while laying in bed last night.  The first thing she told me was "I want daddy to go on another trip so I can sleep in your bed."  Then she went on to talk about her teeth...saying "I want that thing out."  (the awkward feeling tooth) And, "I don't want black & white teeth, I want white like mommy's."  And, "I don't want to see the doctor.  I want the nurse and I want to get a Dora sticker out of the basket."  (like at our pediatrician's office)  She was too funny.  I finally had to tell her to please stop talking, close your eyes, and go to sleep.  So that's our family drama from the past few days.  Please pray for our little Sadie as we take her back to the dentist this next week.  

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bath Time!!

Last night the kids were having a blast in the tub.  Landon was spitting letters out of his mouth and Duke was CRACKING up!!  He thought it was hilarious!  Landon and Sadie were also practicing putting their head under the water.  Here's some pics of their fun bath time!  (no that is not mold in the's bath crayons)
cracking up!
Notice where both boys' hands are!
Landon under water.
Sadie under water.

Lovin' Duke's Sweet Face!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Swimming Pool

We took a family trip to Target last night (not so fun).  They got a new swimming pool.  It's pretty cool!  We've had the other one since last summer, and it finally started getting holes and cracks in it.  We didn't get back til 8, but the kids wanted to try it out.  Here's some pics of their fun time.  (Duke was a little frustrated trying to get those rings on.)

Fingers and Toes

I was just playing around with the camera and this is what I got.  I wish I would have taken more pictures of their fingers and toes as babies.  I think they are adorable.  Can you guess whose is whose? (the painted toenails might give one away)  It was not an easy task getting them to hold still long enough for me to take the pictures!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Duke on the Potty

Yesterday morning  I heard Duke yelling "mommy! mommy!"  I walked into the bathroom and this is what I found!  He was saying "potty."  He got the little seat out and put it on the toilet by himself (and backwards).  Somehow he climbed up on his own too.  I think he just might be easier to train than Landon & Sadie!  I hope so!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Check out the slideshow to the right of Daddy with his kids.  He's a wonderful father.  He absolutely adores his children.  Some of their favorite things to do with him are playing soccer, drawing, jumping on the trampoline, flipping, hide & seek (duke), watching movies (landon) & watching ballgames (sadie)!  Happy Daddy's Day to you!!

Downtown Disney

Me & my husband!

Tim & Greg...trying to act cool?

Future business partners??

Me & Jess

Last night Greg and I had a "date night!"  It was partly for Father's Day and partly for the sake of having alone time.  We weren't completely alone...we met up with my brother Tim and his wife Jess in Downtown Disney.  We had nice relaxing dinner at a cool restaurant called House of Blues.  We had a great time.  Here's a few pictures we took before heading home.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"Princess Medicine"

Last night we went on a family stroll to the tot lot.  The weather was great...a little cooler and a nice breeze.  On our way home we started playing a game of chase.  Landon and Sadie were in the front and Greg was pretending to "get them."  They were going at a pretty fast pace down the sidewalk.  I was pushing Duke behind Greg and also jogging along trying to "get them."  It was all fun and games til Sadie took a massive crash right on her face.  She was almost in front of the house close to being home and she wipes out!  Luckily it's just some bad scratches and not much blood or any lost teeth.  It's mostly her nose and she has a mark on her forehead too.  After a bath we got her to put some "princess medicine" on it.  (a.k.a. triple antibiotic)  When I took her to bed she told me she fell because she opened her hands.  She has this thing lately with running with her hands in a fist.  It's so funny cause she really gets her arms going back and forth and shaking that booty.  Hopefully the face heals soon and heals nicely.  These pics were taken during breakfast this morning.

A close up.

This is supposed to be her "sad" look.  The one above looks a little more sad to me!

Monday, June 9, 2008

To Infinity and Beyond!

Yesterday evening we finally made it down to our pool.  The kids had a blast and didn't want to leave.  They were all so brave, especially Landon!  All of them would jump in and go under water too.  Landon and Duke would have to do their Buzz Lightyear "to infinity and beyond" before each jump.  It was so funny!  Daddy was teaching Sadie how to hold her breath and put her head under water too.  She would get so excited each time she would do it, but then would go wipe her face off with a towel.  It was hard enough keeping up with all three with both Greg and I there, I most definitely couldn't do it on my own!  They don't quite understand that they need to WALK around the pool.  Landon did a nice "Pete Rose" slide right on the pavement.  It looked painful, but he got up and kept going.  They pretty much have no fear, so you never knew if they would just jump right in.  We definitely need to practice our "pool manners." Here's some pics of each of them taking a plunge.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Good Night Bible

We have a Good Night Bible that we read from just about every night.  Landon's favorite is the story of Zacchaeus and Sadie's is Queen Esther.  After we read a story of choice from each of them, there are two songs they HAVE to sing.  It is hilarious!  They learned them so quickly and Sadie even added motions to hers.  These videos were taken about 2 months ago, but I had to post them.   This song is called "Bedtime Rhyme."  I will write the words below just in case you can't understand them!  

"Twinkle twinkle starry-shine, now it's Bible story time.  We can learn of God above, read of Jesus and His love.  Let's get ready right away and be with God to end our day."  (to the tune of 'twinkle twinkle little star')

More Water Times

I found a park in Orlando with a splash pad.  We met up with our friends Cassie and her little boy Jim.  She also brought along two friends and their kids.  It was so much fun!  We were there for 3 hours!  Duke did get a bucket of water dumped on his head by a strange boy, but his mom made him apologize.  We played in the water for a long time, then on the playground before heading home.  Here are some pics of our fun time.

Landon trying to drink the water!
Covering her face as she's running through.
Duke laid back and chillin' while enjoying a popsicle!
Ready to go home...totally wiped out!!
I think all the kids inherited the red tomato face from Mommy!!